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Bb/A trumpet, CUSTOM serie

5 835.00  4 722.00  




We are proud to present our latest Piccolo trumpet model YTR-9825 targeting the professional and high level amateurs.

Bb/A piccolo trumpet with 3 valves and a rotary mechanism in new design.

The YTR-9825 was developed with John Hagstrom of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Two sets of leadpipes:
The YTR-9825 comes with 4 leadpipes. Two leadpipes have trumpet mouthpiece receivers in Bb and A while the other two have cornet mouthpiece receivers in Bb and A.

Hand-hammered one-piece bell:
A one-piece bell has an axial (lengthwise) seam, making it a continuous extension of the instrument's material. This results in pure, uniform resonance and superior tone. A hammered yellow brass bell produces a perfectly-balanced tone with quick response and extra presence due to advanced manufacturing.

Hand-lapped pistons and slides:
Hand-lapping pistons and slides ensures an absolutely perfect fit and seal between the pistons and casing or slide parts. Such a perfect fit helps to achieve smooth air flow and smooth action and improve the response and intonation of the instrument.

Pressure formed tubing:
Perfectly rounded tubing results in less turbulence and a smoother air flow, thus allowing for an excellent scale and reduced resistance.

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Bb/A trumpet, CUSTOM serie YAMAHA


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